Search Results
Clinical quality improvement with FHIR - Bryn Rhodes | DevDays 2017 Amsterdam
Bryn Rhodes - Clinical guidelines with FHIR and CQL | DevDays June 2022
Authoring eCQMs Using the FHIR Standard Webinar
Grahame Grieve - FHIR4 what's new | DevDays 2017 Amsterdam
Mirjam Baltus - FHIRpath | DevDays 2020 Virtual June
N3C Forum 10.25.21: FHIR and Tenant Model
Genereaux & Hussain - DICOM and FHIR | DevDays 2018 Boston
Structured Data Capture
FHIR Projects
Josh Mandel - Remote decision support with CDS Hooks | DevDays 2018 Amsterdam
Knowledge Management Using CDS Hooks and the Clinical Query Language as an Enabler for BPM+
Create a FHIR CDS Hooks Service in ~10 min